Happy National Coffee Day

29 Sep

coffee day

I remember growing up in a coffee producing country. Yep! I grew up in Costa Rica. I was fascinated with the beautiful coffee plantations with their red berries. I loved the smell of coffee and was fascinated with the way they poured coffee through a sock filled with the dark grounds. The only problem I had as a kid was the taste. Yuck!

Then one day I was introduced to Cafe con Leche (the Spanish version of a latte). The milk was heated and served in a separate pitcher. The coffee was thick like syrup. The key to liking coffee came in filling 3/4 of the cup with the steaming milk and then pouring in a smidgen of coffee.

What’s your coffee drinking story? How do you like your coffee? Are you addicted to coffee?

FYI – there are several places that are serving free coffee today. Check out this link for more information: http://fortune.com/2017/09/29/national-coffee-day-free-coffee-deals/

Karen Sebastian is an author, blogger, corporate trainer and gifted speaker who transparently shares the hope she has found in the darkest times of her life.  She is a seasoned entrepreneur who founded HOPEpreneurs, a consulting firm dedicated to helping women succeed personally and professionally. Karen is known as The Hope Lady because she  takes every opportunity to inspire hope by sharing her rich life experience with others – engaging them in adventurous discoveries of the beauty of hope in a dark, cloudy world.

I would love to get your insights on this topic.